What a year 2020!
Emergency braking

Trade fairs cancelled, collectors' meetings postponed, trips abroad canceled. And yet we at Cartobook must consider ourselves lucky to have been spared the Covid19 virus - at least until now. We hope and wish you and us that we will survive this time of crisis. To those who fight for their existence, all our sympathy belongs to them. Give up? "You can do that at the post office," says a T-shirt slogan recently worn by a friend. So hang in there!
By the way, SPD politician Andrea Nahles has already expressed her Christmas wish for 2021. She wishes for a really boring year. Understandable after so much excitement.
The first organic wine cultivation in Ediger-Eller/Moselle
In the meantime we were not idle. Great changes are pending in the vineyard. Because the Freiherr von Landenberg Winery in Ediger-Eller, to which we are docked, has been an organic conversion company since August 2020. This means for all of us: Significantly more manual work in the vineyard, especially on the steep slopes. By the end of the year we want to develop an ecological concept for the future together. And that is great fun.
Couples, families and small groups can stay at the winery on the Moselle, if it is allowed again. In the comfortable apartments they are all to themselves. We firmly believe that the Rosengarten and Vinothek will be open again next summer.
What would the grape harvest be without friends and relatives. Outside in the fresh air we all felt safe.
Wunderkammer under construction
Gradually our showroom, our chamber of wonders for all the treasures of Cartobook, is taking shape. At the moment it still looks pretty bare, but it will. And then we will open the door for you to browse by appointment.
To a better New Year 2021

Until then, we will open the doors of our advent calendar on Facebook and Instagram. If you are curious, then take a look. One click on the buttons on the bottom right of the very first page of Cartobook and you are there.
Now, despite all the restrictions, we wish you a nice, relaxed and merry Christmas, even if you may not be able to gather all your friends and relatives around the Christmas tree. The caution will pay off. We are sure it will.
Best wishes from
Angela Joschko & Jean Darquenne